JPC is dedicated to provide flexible medical assembly solutions satisfy the needs of your equipment. We develop custom-directed products for both standard applications as well as OEM specific. Our varied product offerings, coupled with strong expertise team, allow us to create products that meet the stringent standards set by original design of medical instrument.Socket cable assembly for medical device
JPC is dedicated to provide flexible medical assembly solutions satisfy the needs of your equipment. We develop custom-directed products for both standard applications as well as OEM specific. Our varied product offerings, coupled with strong expertise team, allow us to create products that meet the stringent standards set by original design of medical instrument.Medical device plug and socket cable assembly1. Provide good proposal to meet customer's requirement2. Several type connectors for different medical device's demand3. Plastic or metal connectors4. IP 50/64/67 connectors
JPC is dedicated to provide flexible medical assembly solutions satisfy the needs of your equipment. We develop custom-directed products for both standard applications as well as OEM specific. Our varied product offerings, coupled with strong expertise team, allow us to create products that meet the stringent standards set by original design of medical instrument.Customized SpO2 cable assembly
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