全方位型YK350TW/YK500TW機械手臂長: 350mm/500mm最大搬運重量: 4kg~5kg
通過自動化解決人員短缺的煩惱!以合適的價格實現生產現場的高效率、省人力、穩定品質。機械臂長度: 400 / 510 / 610 / 710 mm最大搬運重量: 4kg~10kg
IoT programable remote button is a programmable, Wi-Fi-enabled handheld input device that allows customers to automate an action in the cloud service, and trigger command to control other smart devices.
JPC Design, Universal Remote code and Learning function for smart home edge and node device for smart home, smart build application field.
Remote controls for IPTV
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