JPC is proud to present OCP ORV3 AC input connectors and cable assemblies that facilitate streamlined power distribution from the busway to the power shelf of the V3 rack. The innovative 7-pin design optimizes space and supports various electrical specifications. JPC's AC whip cables meet IEC and NEMA standards, offering advanced solutions for a modular rack infrastructure that adheres to the OCP's vision for scalable and sustain-able data center technologies.
This 400G QSFP-DD ZR DCO has specifications based on a DP-16QAM It supports extended C-band, polarization diversity coherent detection and advanced electronic link equalization.
This 400G OpenZR+ QSFP-DD DCO module is based on a DP-16QAM supporting extended C-band, polarization diversity coherent detection and advanced electronic link equalization.
The QSFP-DD DR4 module compatible optical transceiver is a parallel 400Gbps Quad Small Form-factor Pluggable – Double Density QSFP-DD. provides 425Gb/s throughput up to 500 meters over single-mode fiber (SMF) with host FEC using 1310nm wavelength
This product is a 400 Gb / s Quad Small Form Factor Pluggable - doubledensity (QSFP - DD) optical module designed for 10 km optical communication applications. The module converts 8 channels of 50 Gb / s (PAM 4) electrical input data to 4 channels of CWDM optical signals and multiplexes them into a single channel for 400 Gb / s optical transmission.
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